Explore projects
UK Tree Buddying

Plant trees native to the UK to help promote biodiversity and provide a natural carbon sink. For every tree planted in the UK, one tonne of carbon will be offset in the Brazilian rainforest through a VCS certified project.

Zaoyuan Solar Cooker
6957821 kg(s) of CO2

Harmanlik Wind Power Plant
With 50 Megawatts of installed power, the project will generate 166 GigaWatt hours of electricity annually
4197796 kg(s) of CO2

Energy Efficiency, Uganda
8145585 kg(s) of CO2

Sidrap Wind Farm
28233 kg(s) of CO2

Toyola Clean Charcoal Stoves
This project distributes efficient cookstoves that require less wood and produce less smoke, alleviating deforestation in the region and enabling healthier livelihoods for community members.
160230 kg(s) of CO2

Poultry Powered Energy
Poultry litter is taken and used to feed renewable electricity back to the Southern Regional Electricity Grid of India, displacing the need for electricity sourced from thermal power plants.
972000 kg(s) of CO2

Plastic Bank
0 kg(s) of CO2

Heqing Solar Cooker
This project provides local residents in the rural area of Zhangye, Gansu province in Northwestern China the opportunity to switch to solar cookers to use for their daily cooking tasks in place of coal powered cookstoves.
1288966 kg(s) of CO2

Pallonji Solar Power
A solar energy project in Maharashtra that generates clean and renewable electricity. Total installed capacity of 220 Megawatts.
161280 kg(s) of CO2

Eden Reforestation Project
0 kg(s) of CO2

Hudson Farm Improved Forest
2245264 kg(s) of CO2

Solar Power Project 2, Bhadla
A solar energy project in Rajasthan that generates clean and renewable electricity. Total installed capacity of 300 Megawatts.
7708715 kg(s) of CO2

ONIL Cookstoves, Guatemala
205469 kg(s) of CO2

Safe Community Water, Rwanda
Improves access to safe and clean water in rural areas of Rwanda by repairing and maintaining existing boreholes.
627513 kg(s) of CO2

SeaTrees REDD
2432805 kg(s) of CO2

Karnataka Wind Power
8918926 kg(s) of CO2

Hong Phong Solar Project
3153000 kg(s) of CO2

Eden Tree Planting
0 kg(s) of CO2

Darfur Cookstoves
Working across 10 villages, the project alleviates poverty through savings in time and money. Advances gender equality by providing managerial development to women and reduces greenhouse gas emissions associated with burning non-renewable biomass in a resource-deprived region.
961685 kg(s) of CO2

Tamil Nadu wind power
0 kg(s) of CO2

ONIL Community Cookstoves, Mexico
61838 kg(s) of CO2

Solar Power Project, Bhadla
A solar energy project in Rajasthan that generates clean and renewable electricity. It is composed of 3 power plants, with a total installed capacity of 400 Megawatts.
1963998 kg(s) of CO2

Bundled Wind Power
Consisting of the Jinchuan Magang 49.5 Megawatt Wind Power Project and the Yongchang Huangmaopo 49.5 Megawatt Wind Power Project to provide clean, renewable electricity to the Northwest China Power Grid.
3614329 kg(s) of CO2

Inner Mongolia Wind Farm Phase I Project
22160061 kg(s) of CO2

Carpathian mountain trees
0 kg(s) of CO2

MTPL Degraded Land Reforestation
2428575 kg(s) of CO2

Crow Lake Wind
623562 kg(s) of CO2

Mount Sandy Conservation
19873445 kg(s) of CO2

Karadere Wind Power
9912118 kg(s) of CO2

Burgos Wind Project
57186 kg(s) of CO2

Yudaokou Wind Farm
9994390 kg(s) of CO2

Solar Thermal Power Plant
275615 kg(s) of CO2