Sustainability Data for Fashion Brands & Suppliers

Evaluate 100s of
Product Footprints While Ensuring Compliance Clarity

We use stringent standards like PEF, EPD, and ISO 14067 to display footprint data. Convert them into Digital Product Passports so you can communicate your traceability and claims with full transparency.
Loved by leading retailers and suppliers across the globe
Challenges to Sustainability

Fashion impact measurement faces credibility challenges.

Fashion suppliers face intense pressure to meet environmental regulations, brand transparency, and customer sustainability concerns. These demands challenge suppliers' ability to maintain compliance and credibility.

How to ensure regulatory compliance?

Retailers and suppliers face a maze of environmental rules, risking their businesses' stability.
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How to achieve greater transparency?

Brands are under intense scrutiny to be transparent, yet doubts persist about their sustainability efforts.
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How to verify claims and prevent greenwashing?

To uphold consumer trust, each claim must be backed by validated data, preventing greenwashing.
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Discover Green Story

Get product footprints for every SKU instantly and achieve credible, accurate results at scale to meet all regulatory compliance needs.​

Simply bulk-upload your product catalogue with existing information

Quickly upload hundreds of products with existing basic information like category and materials. Easily create variants for different colors. Our system automates supply chain customization and calculation, freeing you from technical complexities.

Instantly examine your footprint across a method of your choice

Get instant product footprints with a click. Visualize impacts across 16 categories, meeting PEF, EPD, and ISO 14067 standards using interactive dashboards and supply chains . Rest assured you can enhance your results at any time by providing additional data for improved accuracy.

Display findings in Digital Product Passports or any preferred visualization

Utilize digital product passports with traceability data accessible via QR codes for consumer engagement. Integrate widgets on your ecommerce site for displaying product impact, or effortlessly export various reports available on our platform for setting science-based targets.
Digital Product Passport
Environmental Savings
Care tips for your bag
Green Practices and Waste Solutions
Performance Tests
Energy Consumption
Impact Widgets

We Offer The Support You Need To Create the Impact You Want

With our industry-specific knowledge experts, Green Story ensures accurate data extraction from your materials and processes, fostering collaboration to guide your green transformation journey effectively.

Forensic Data Dissection

We can collect and validate data on-site for reliability and scalability, adhering to best practices, ensuring confidence in every claim.

Textile Specific Expertise

Our team of LCA experts specializes in textiles and fashion, offering unique and in-depth support to ensure accuracy beyond assumptions.

Guided Transformation

We offer continuous coaching and help you devise an action plan for enhanced decarbonization and process optimization.
Proven Results

Business Growth Fueled by Sustainability Data

$5 million

Sales Closure

USA based supplier utilized LCA report to secure $5 million in sales with Target in 2024
$1 million

Order Secured

Another supplier instantly offset their footprint to secure a $1 million order in 2023.

Reduction in LCA Time

Achieved significant time savings with a streamlined and user-friendly LCA process.

Growth & Customer Loyalty

Pact used impact widgets to quantify their supply chain's environmental impact, driving quadruple revenue growth.
Core Competency

Pushing Boundaries in Product Design? Our LCA Experts Provide Critical Calculations.

Under the leadership of Dr. Kannan Muthu, our expert team specializes in textiles and fashion sustainability reporting, LCAs, chemical assessments, and sustainable strategies. With extensive experience handling diverse materials and processes, our specialists will deliver the most accurate results, especially for custom needs or innovative processes.
Unique fibers
Unique products
Outcomes of LCAs

Use Granular Data to Shape Business Strategy

Armed with credible and verified LCA results, you open the door to limitless possibilities.
Establishing a foundational understanding of your environmental footprint empowers you to set benchmarks and drive meaningful sustainability improvements across your operations.

Validated Claims

Benchmark your products against industry averages to showcase their superior environmental performance confidently.

Hot-Spot Identification

Quickly pinpoint and address critical areas in your supply chain to enhance sustainability, inform eco-design decisions, and drive greener practices.

SBT’s & ESG Reporting

Improve your ESG reporting accuracy with detailed operational insights, set robust SBTs, and understand your impact from Scope 3 emissions.

Offsetting Strategies

Use real impact data to implement effective offsetting strategies in impacted regions, fostering community engagement and sustainability leadership.

Efficient, Agile, and Meticulous - Just Like Your Company

Begin a customized onboarding journey with dedicated specialists providing personalized support. Our customer success team oversees operations while LCA experts ensure accurate data mapping. The product team guarantees visibility and accessibility, ensuring a seamless transition.

(Weeks 1-4)

Begin by uploading basic product information via easy-to-use templates. Quickly access product footprint insights using available data.

(Weeks 5-12)

Enhance your analysis by incorporating detailed component-level data for each product, streamlining the inclusion of intricate specifics. Our goal is to deepen insights through comprehensive data collection.

(Week 12 onwards)

Continuously collaborate to refine internal processes, promptly identify and address supply chain hot spots, empowering you to make informed, data-driven sustainability decisions.

Business Growth Fueled by Sustainability Data

Discover the value we bring for our customers across the globe
Thank you for your commitment to conducting thorough research, collecting accurate data, and providing insightful analysis.
Maria Sbiti,
Green Story integrates the results of these studies into content that is meaningful to our customers and internal teams.
Merryn Chilcott,
BAM Bamboo Clothing
Green Story has access to the kind of data that we would never have access to, or it would take us years to get access to.
Sandeep S.,
Shobhikaa Impex